Let the Light Return
Buffalo, New York – 1901
A powerful illumination attracted 8 million visitors to the Buffalo/Niagara region. All to witness a brilliance so amazing that Edward Hale Brush, reporting for the Scientific American Supplement (1/19/1901) wrote:
“The great advance made in methods of electric lighting during the past decade renders it possible to effect an illumination at the Pan-American more beautiful, more glorious, more wonderful, than anything heretofore conceived or even dreamed of by the human imagination, unless in flights of poetic fancy describing the divine illumination of the New Jerusalem.”
More than 100,000 8 watt light bulbs concentrated in a 342-acre site created an attraction so powerful that it attracted the world. It’s time to Let that light shine again. This time in a more powerful display of eternal truth in action. Truth shining into:
Media and the Arts
Science and Technology
Family / Neighborhood / Community / City
Economy / Entrepreneurs / Corporations